Call for Papers

We welcome paper proposals that engage with one or more of these images on the theme of historical human, animal, or environmental exploitation and its legacies.

A collage of thumbnail digital images, a selection from those digital images featured in the 2024 conference CFP.

We are, as last year, particularly interested in receiving proposals from early career historians relating to research that

· applies atypical methods and/or technologies;

· results from collaboration between job sectors or countries;

· is interdisciplinary;

· has attracted new audiences.

There is the option of developing selected conference papers into contributions for a themed issue of the Labour History Review.

Please send either an individual proposal or a proposal for a panel or roundtable to by 23:59 on 31 May 2024.

Individual proposals should contain: an abstract (250 words), a short biography (100 words), and, in order of preference, how you are able to present your research (in a 20-minute paper, 10-minute paper, 5-minute lightning talk, or a poster).

Panel or roundtable proposals should contain: a description of the panel or roundtable theme and format (250-words) and, for each speaker, an individual abstract (250 words) and a short biography (100 words).

We hope to offer a total of ten conference bursaries of £100, for which any proposer who is a student or unwaged early career historian is eligible to apply to defray their travel and accommodation expenses.

Five bursaries of £100 have generously been donated by the Society for the Study of Labour History (SSLH). All recipients must already be or become members of the SSLH.

To apply for a conference bursary, in respect of either proposal type, please also include in your email to up to 300 words explaining why you should receive financial assistance.

If you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at the same email address: